The "brand recognition" service covers the slogan, name, tone of voice, communication style (visual and perception), service design, client impressions and emotions from interacting with the company, and brand identification
The client can confuse your brand with a competitor at any moment and make a purchase from them. Lack of business associations, chaos in advertising creatives, inconsistent messages through contact points (website, signage, social media, app, etc.), difficult for new and existing clients to remember the brand name and corporate colors, no emotional attachment to the brand.
Creating strong associations with the business for both existing and new clients through various senses. Building an emotional attachment of clients to the business to ensure long-term relationships
Work stages
What you will get in the end
An emotionally attached client who will bring you long-term income.

Our case
Іnshi Apartments company, with a quality product but lacking value proposition and brand recognition.
Company goal:
To achieve a significant goal: when there is a desire to stay in apartments in Lviv, the immediate association should be with Inshi Apartments.
To achieve this goal, a series of necessary tasks had to be completed, including:
Competitor analysis and their uniqueness
Detailed analysis of the company, its strengths, and opportunities
Defining specific company goals, decomposing the goals into a marketing plan, which included:
rebranding, creating a user-friendly website, improving service design through clear sales scripts and on-site customer relationships, creating a brand hero ""key,"" updating the content plan for social media,
strategy for targeting and working with bloggers, contextual advertising, forming messages through the slogan, service design linked to the slogan, mental and physical brand presence, PR and personal branding of the owner, etc.)
Customer segmentation and their desires, developing an approach to clients
A model of long-term relationships with the company
During the work, we also proposed describing the business processes and selecting the necessary specialists for them, as the company was ""short on hands"" for all tasks.
Emotionally attached client who
will bring you income in the long term.
Clients associated staying in Lviv with Inshi Apartments.